Program Contact | Aaron Bollinger | abollinger@perryco.org | 717-562-1854
Every farm operation in Pennsylvania that land applies manure or agricultural process wastewater (generated on the farm or received from an importer), regardless of size, is required by 25 Pa. Code Chapter 91, Section 91.36 to have and implement a written Manure Management Plan, unless your operation has already implemented an Act 38 Nutrient Management Plan. This includes hobby farms that only have 1 or 2 animals. These plans do not need to be submitted for review and approval, but these plans must be maintained and available on site for when an agricultural inspection occurs.
Contact Information
Date Developed
Current with Operation
Acres Available for Application are Identified
Animal Information (Type, Number, Days on Farm per Year)
Environmentally Sensitive Area Worksheet Completed (Surface Waters, Wells, Sinkholes…)
Manure Management Plan Summary Completed
Records for Crop Yields, Manure Transfers, Monthly Manure Storage Inspections
Descriptions of Manure Storage Facilities
Descriptions of Pasture Management Practices
Descriptions of Animal Concentrated Areas (ACAs) including associated Best Management Practices (BMPs)
PPCD can help identify areas and plan appropriately for these areas listed below...
Winter Manure Application Worksheet if applicable
Farm Boundaries
Field Boundaries
Field Names and Acreages
Location of Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Manure Setbacks
Location of Proposed and Existing Storages
Location of Stockpiling
Location of all Pastures
Location of all ACAs
Location of Roads within and Adjacent to the Farm