Program Contact | Kyle Fake | kfake@perryco.org | 717-636-2282
The emphasis of the erosion and sedimentation control (E&S) program is the conservation of soil and water resources. The Perry County Conservation District administers the E&S program through a signed delegation agreement with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). As the county continues to experience overall growth, it becomes increasingly important to make sure that resources are protected. Due to intensifying development pressure and greater awareness for environmental protection, the E&S program continues to be one of the District's most demanding programs. Through the program, the Perry County Conservation District reviews and approves E&S control plans for earthmoving sites. Inspections of sites with active earthmoving are conducted to assure the plans are properly implemented. We check to see that required controls are installed and maintained and that appropriate construction sequences are being followed that minimize off site sedimentation. This is one of the ways that the Perry County Conservation District strives to meet its goal of minimizing accelerated erosion and sediment pollution to the waters of the Commonwealth as a result of earthmoving activities.
A federal regulation that works in conjunction with the local E&S program is the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program. This regulation, the implementation of which has been delegated to DEP, requires any earthmoving activities disturbing one acre or greater to obtain a permit. It is recommended that anyone disturbing one acre or greater of land during the life of an earthmoving project must contact the Conservation District to obtain a NPDES Permit.
Under the requirements of the NPDES program, these activities must have an approved erosion control plan. Perry County Conservation District conducts the reviews of these plans for DEP to assure compliance with Chapter 102 and the Clean Streams Law. The NPDES permit program also requires a Post Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) Plan to satisfy rate, volume, and water quality requirements.