Program Contact | Kyle Fake | kfake@perryco.org | 717-636-2282
The Dirt, Gravel, & Low Volume Road (DGLVR) Program was created in order to reduce stream pollution from dust and sediment. The program was created by the State Conservation Commission (SCC) and became law (Pennsylvania Code Title 75, Section 9106) in 1997. The SCC’s goal was to create a program that is simple to manage, controlled locally, offers dedicated funding, and requires the use of environmentally sound practices and materials.
Local municipalities are the end beneficiaries of the DGLVR Program. Municipalities can apply for grant funds through the Perry County Conservation District. To be eligible for funding, an official from the municipality who either works on the roads or supervises road work, must attend a free 2-day training session on environmentally sensitive maintenance (ESM) practices at least every 5 years. This training explains basic environmental principles, and introduces new techniques and ideas for improving road surfaces.
Perry County has participated in the DGLVR Program since 1998. To date, 24 total Dirt and Gravel projects have been completed, spending $1,090,259.11 of project funds. A total of 6 Low Volume Road projects have been completed, spending $351,088.68.