Program Contact | Aaron Bollinger | abollinger@perryco.org | 717-562-1854
We provide free technical assistance for environmental issues on farms such as gullies, sheet and rill erosion, pasture management, and manure related issues. We work closely with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to provide the best solution to the issue.
We also provide free assistance to help you write your manure management plan and agricultural erosion and sedimentation plan.
The Resource Enhancement and Protection program is a state tax credit program that the State Conservation Commission runs. Tax credits can be awarded for the development of agricultural plans, the purchase of conservation equipment and on farm best management practices (BMPs).
The District can help you with the agricultural plan verification needed for your application and some BMP verifications. There is a fee associated with some of the verifications. Please contact the office to discuss your application.
Each year, 50 agricultural inspections are conducted at random around the county to see if the operation has the appropriate plans needed for the operation. Operations selected for the inspection will receive a letter in the mail, stating that they have been selected and asking them to call the office to schedule an appointment. If no plans exist for the operation, we will work with you through the process of obtaining/creating plans for your operation. Please see the pages for both the Manure Management Plans and the Agricultural Erosion and Sedimentation Plans to see if the plan applies to your operation.