County-Wide Action Plan
An integral part of Pennsylvania’s Phase 3 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Implementation Plan is the development of individual County Action Plans (CAPs). Throughout 2021, the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission worked with consultant Herbert, Rowland & Grubic Inc. (HRG) to develop Mifflin, Juniata, Dauphin, and Perry County-wide Action Plans. Meetings were held virtually each week between all of these entities and by the close of September, each County had an encompassing document that listed their priorities, target areas, and projections pertaining to Best Management Practices and Implementation objectives to reach pollution reduction goals at the local level. During the fourth quarter, these CAPs were submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for final review and consideration for block grant funding. The first round of Perry County’s goals and objectives were selected to be funded. These items were the purchase of an additional no-till drill, a cover crop incentive program, and the beginning phase of the Baken Creek Alternative Restoration Plan. These deliverables and funding streams began in the early spring of 2022 and will continue into the future. We are looking forward to continuing this effort to reduce water pollution in Perry County!